Our annual Plant Sale will be held, the Lord willing, on May 10th, 17th and 19th, 2025, from 8am to 3pm each day!
Follow us on Instagram!
The sale features mostly perennials of all shapes, colours and sizes for every imaginable area of your garden (sun, shade, sun/shade, etc.), each lovingly removed from healthy donor gardens, donated by local businesses, or grown specifically for the plant sale.
In addition we also sell topsoil and mulch, bagged or in bulk. And don’t forget our selection of flagstone, decorative boulders, or natural wall stone!
Details on Facebook!
We need many volunteers to make this event a success each year. So please come on out and support this successful fundraiser before, during and after the sale!
For more details about the plant sale, check out the Plant Sale Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram.