
Become a Member

Are you interested in supporting Christian Education at Bellstone Christian School? If you are a member of a Canadian or United Reformed Church or a church with whom we have a sister church relationship, you can become a member of the school society.

Make a Financial Donation

If you are interested in supporting Christian Education at Bellstone Christian School without becoming a member of the school society, we gratefully accept donations to help us keep the cost of operating our school affordable.

Join a Committee

There are many committees that are always looking for help. Find out which committee(s) could use your expertise:

  • Board
  • Education Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • League
  • Promotion Committee
  • Transporation Committee
  • Property Committee
  • Library Committee
  • Voucher Committee
  • Ladies' Auxiliary
  • I.T. and Website Committee
  • School Uniform Committee
  • Custodial Committee
  • Plant Sale Committee
  • Other....
Volunteer in School

There are many volunteer opportunities at the school. Whether it is assisting in the classroom, helping out in the library, photocopying/collating/stapling, organizing crafts/art supplies, helping with special lunches/activities, or any other activity, we are always eager to have our community support our staff and students in a variety of ways.

The Harvest Foundation

Harvest Foundation

Support options that benefit Reformed Education and bring you peace of mind. Help parents with the cost of education, gain peace-of-mind by estate planning and/or make a deposit that also gives back. Find out more on their website at

For more information about any of the above or to obtain answers to anything else about the school, please contact our promotion committee.