Our Annual Plant Sale will be held on May 11, 18 and 20 this year (2024)!
Please visit our plant sale page for more details.

Aims of Education


In the Old Testament, knowledge involved listening to God’s proclamations and then committing oneself to them. In the New Testament Christ expanded this "knowing" by adding that there shall be personal acknowledgement to Him and His works. This active view of knowledge means more than searching of facts. It implies a comprehensive and thorough understanding of God’s plan of salvation and His unfolding of creation. This increased understanding or knowledge leads to a further understanding of God’s will and our role in creation. This leads to further acknowledgement of Him in obedience and service. Therefore knowledge is not a set of neutral facts that one acquires for personal satisfaction or growth. Knowledge is to contribute to a love that builds in a faithful life in God’s service. In education, all our efforts are directed to a deeper understanding of this reality, to love God and our neighbour.


Education is based on a particular view of the child "on the way to" maturity. From a reformed point of view the following aspects are fundamental:

1. God’s Word and Confessions
The basis of education and instruction is the infallible Word of God as is summarized and confessed in the Three Forms of Unity, namely, the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism and Canons of Dort.
2. The Child is a Covenant Child
Scripture teaches us that children are born in sin and prone to hate God and their neighbour. Through Christ’s redemptive work, forgiveness of sins is possible. We believe that God made a covenant with us and our children. We accept this fact in faith, and raise and instruct our children accordingly. Also in the classroom situation the fact of the covenant relation determines our work. It means that the instruction will not be tainted with the aimlessness and hopelessness of this life, but with the joy and thanksgiving of those whose future is secure in the LORD. This also means that in addition to showing the children the riches of God’s promises, we also show them the demands of the covenant: obedience to God’s commandments. From this obedience flow two lines: the praising of Him who made us, and the love towards the neighbour in order to serve Him in this life.
3. Cultural Mandate

God created the world and the fullness thereof so that the whole creation would glorify His Holy Name. The crown and culmination of the creation week was the making of mankind after the likeness of God. The two adults were given this mandate and task:

"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth" (Gen 1:28) and "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it." (Gen 2:15)

The relevance and importance of these texts are that they place us on suitable and sure footing. They supply the correct perspective in which education is to be placed. There are two commandments given in these texts:

  1. Multiply and increase yourselves; and
  2. Work with this world; discover all its hidden treasures.

In giving these instructions God demonstrates His desire to employ men and women to cultivate His creation. Since the fall into sin this task will be done with many stumbles, but nevertheless, God’s people, His church, are to fulfill this mandate.

Each child has received gifts and talents from God. However, not all have the same talents. There is a difference in gifts received. God asks each child to develop his or her unique set of gifts in the service of God and the neighbour.

General Aims of the Education at Bellstone Christian School

Assist the parents in:

  1. building scriptural moral character so that students acknowledge, accept and willingly use their God-given talents
    1. to show praise and thankfulness to God
    2. to love and serve God and their neighbour;
  2. teaching the students about all aspects of God’s created order and work so that they may grow in awe and knowledge of God;
  3. directing the students to treasure, understand, and apply the covenantal relationship the Lord has established with them;
  4. equipping students with knowledge and skills enabling them to reach their full potential;
  5. helping students to develop a discerning mind within the boundaries of God’s Word.