Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of commonly asked questions about Bellstone Christian School. To view the answer to a question, simply click on the question text.

At Bellstone Christian School our purpose is to assist parents in fulfilling the promise they made at the baptism of their children, namely, to raise them in the ways of the LORD. Our mission statement says:

The purpose of Bellstone Christian School is to educate God’s covenant children to be thankful, humble, discerning kingdom citizens who shine as lights in the world by serving their Lord and their neighbour.

The Board of the Glancaster Canadian Reformed School Society operates Bellstone Christian School. A number of standing committees serve the Board. The Board and committees are elected or appointed from the members of the school society. If you are a member of a Canadian Reformed Church or United Reformed Church, or a church with whom we have a sister-church relationship, you can become a member of the school society.

At Bellstone we are committed to meeting the needs of all God’s covenant children as best as we reasonably can. If your child has special needs we are most willing to sit down with you prior to the beginning of school and come up with a strategy to accommodate, as best as possible, your child in a classroom room setting. We also have a resource room that can help when and where needed. Please contact our principal and special education teacher for further details.

Kindergarten is offered for students in the year prior to entering Grade 1. Kindergarten students attend classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for the entire school year.

There are many opportunities to become involved at Bellstone. At present these committees include the Building Committee, Education Committee, Finance Committee, Promotion Committee, Library Committee, Transportation Committee, Voucher Committee, Ladies Auxiliary, Uniforms Committee, Custodial Committee and more. The list of committees may change in the future, depending on the needs of the school. For more information about what the committees do, please ask the school’s administrative assistant.

Parents and other members of the school society are encouraged and welcome to get involved at Bellstone. There are many ways you can do this: help out on one of the committees, participate in the fundraisers, or join our team of regular volunteers and classroom helpers. A Volunteer Form will be sent home during the first week of school outlining the various areas of need. Please prayerfully consider being involved.

At least twice each year the Glancaster Canadian Reformed School Society (GCRSS) conducts membership meetings. These are held in the fall and springtime. The agendas are sent out three weeks before the meeting.

Assemblies are scheduled on or around the first day of school, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, the start of Christmas holidays, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, and the last day of the school year. Other assemblies may be scheduled if there are specific occasions or special guests in the area. Parents, grandparents and any interested guest are most welcome to attend.

Precise times and details are provided on our website, in our bi-weekly newsletter, The Bellstone Banner, and regular notices in the church bulletins and email groups.

To begin with, school agendas are a great way to communicate. Parents are asked to check their child’s agenda daily for any notes the teachers may have sent home. Similarly, parents can write a note or ask a question to their child’s teacher through the agendas. The school will be providing every child with an agenda. In addition, Bellstone has a log-in area called My Bellstone on its website where parents are able to see notices about what is happening in their children’s classroom, as well as access other relevant information. Finally, open communication between home and school is encouraged, so e-mail and/or telephone calls are always welcome.

Bellstone Banner

This brief newsletter is sent out every week to parents via email, posted on the My Bellstone web portal, and upon request can be sent home as a paper copy. This publication features many activities and studies planned by the various teachers at the different grade levels. As well, in a timely fashion, it includes all information deemed necessary for the membership to be aware of.


The Milestones newsletter is a larger publication that comes out approximately 3-4 times per year. It is designed to keep up contact between the school and entire membership of the school community. It typically includes comments from the chairman of the board, the principal, and the treasurer, as well as committee reports (e.g., transportation, voucher committee, library, building, etc). From time to time it may also include mission reports and a sample of some of the school work being done at Bellstone. Finally, it may also include any other reports or articles deemed appropriate by the board and principal.

Our school hours are from 8:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, Monday to Friday. Kindergarten students come to school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Students have two breaks each day, a recess in the morning and lunch hour.

At present Bellstone is running three buses. On the morning route, Bellstone buses will pick up elementary students, as well as the high-school students from Guido de Brès High School. After arriving at Bellstone, the high-school students will continue to Guido. In the afternoon, elementary students will go home on a Bellstone bus and high-school students will go home on a separate Guido bus.

Bellstone is committed to providing families with the best busing service it can. At the same time, where a family lives and how many other families are living in that same area are factors that need to be considered. If you have specific questions about bus service in your area, please contact [email protected].

Yes, parents are expected to provide their child(ren) with a number of items (labelled where necessary please!) for the first school day in September and replace them as necessary. Don’t worry, we always have a meet-your-new-teacher day before school starts and, if you like, these items can be put in the classroom at that time so children don’t have to lug them all to school on the first day. Please click here to download the supply list.

Yes, you can find the full uniform and dress code policy here.

Current rates are available here.

Spring Plant Sale

This fundraiser is held annually on the Saturday before the May long weekend, plus the Saturday and Monday of the long weekend. It is held on the school campus. It’s a big event and many willing hands are needed to pot the perennials in the weeks leading up to the sale as well as on the actual sale days. Proceeds are directed where they are needed the most to benefit the school. Further information is available on our plant sale page.

Voucher Program

Held throughout the year, this program is instrumental in raising funds for budgetary relief. Interested persons purchase gift cards on a regular basis for vendors that they frequent regularly, such as grocery stores, gas stations, department stores, and restaurants, etc. These gift cards are purchased by the committee at a discount and purchased at full price by the participating people, thereby bringing a profit to the school. Further information is available on our voucher program page, and you can direct all of your questions to our Voucher Committee.


Held regularly throughout the year, this program raises funds for the Grade 7/8 year end trip. Further information is available on our Marketplace page, and you can direct all of your questions to our T.A.G. Team Committee.

C.H.I.P.-in Drive

This fundraiser is organized in line with the Scriptural principles of being a hand and foot to each other within the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-26) and contributing according to what the Lord has given us (2 Cor. 8:12-15). Of course, anyone may donate to the school at any point during the year; however, each year, usually in February or March, Bellstone has a more focused drive, specifically to raise funds to reduce tuition. We aim to complete the drive before the next year’s budget is set, so that we budget based on what has already been contributed or committed rather than on what we hope to receive.

Each fall we host a special day for parents, grandparents, and seniors in our school community. All parents are welcome to visit the classroom and experience a taste of school life at Bellstone. Students will also send special invitations to their grandparents (or "grandfriends"), as well as other senior citizens in our community, to come to the school and join us. It is held in the morning with coffee and treats and may also include student presentations. At noon a special luncheon will be provided in the gym for grandparents and seniors. We appreciate our visitors and are privileged to honour our seniors! This event is one of the highlights of the school year for our staff and students. The exact date will be posted each year on the school calendar.