
Bellstone Christian School does not receive financial support from provincial or federal governments, and is primarily financed by members of the school society, with the majority of funds coming from tuition paying families. We are blessed with a substantial and dedicated support base of non-tuition paying members and donors who, through their financial contributions, support our tuition paying families. We also raise funds through our voucher program and regular fundraisers, as well as through donations to our annual C.H.i.P. ('Community Helping Parents') Drive.

If you wish to make a financial donation to our school, we are grateful for any support that you give! Your contribution will assist us in keeping tuition and membership fees affordable for our families. The school society is a registered charitable organization with the Canada Revenue Agency, so a tax receipt will be issued for your donation.

Donations can be given by:

  • Monthly donation by way of pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. Please contact our promotion committee to obtain a form.
  • E-transfer sent to [email protected] (no password is required). Please share your contact information in the comments section of the e-transfer, or else send a follow-up email to the email address above, notifying the treasurer of the amount of your donation and providing your email/mailing address so that we can issue a tax receipt.
  • Cheque made payable to Bellstone Christian School and mailed to:
    Bellstone Christian School
    6025 White Church Road
    Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0

For more information about donating to our school please contact our promotion committee.